Over the last couple of decades, poker has experienced a significant increase in popularity. Thousands of players from all over the world have attempted to make it big and earn real money in the poker world and it has become popular almost overnight.
Although this type of exposure is generally beneficial to the game, the large flood of new players to the tables has contributed to the perpetuation of numerous myths about poker and superstitions that have persisted through the years. In this article, we look at some of the most prevalent poker myths and give you the real side of the stories and real poker myth facts.
Good players always win
This is a myth. You have to have some talents in order to boost your chances of winning but you don’t have to be a pro or be necessarily good. Anyone who plays has a chance of winning.
Professional and good players do not always win. They have a larger chance of winning than an ordinary player but luck is not always on their side. Even if good players always end up as winners in the long term, the short-term results might easily be bad.
It is crucial to realize that it’s impossible to constantly win.
Poker is all luck
When it comes to poker myths, this is a common one. Occasionally, when playing poker, it might be difficult to distinguish between pure luck and skill-based play. Despite the fact that some players clearly appear to have more skill than others, it appears that the lucky players are the ones who consistently win. We may even be familiar with the common poker adage, “I would rather be lucky than good,”.
When it is possible to purposely lose in a game, we can typically identify whether or not there is a skill factor present.
Consider a game in which most people would agree that the outcome is entirely dependent on chance, such as roulette. Is it possible to purposefully lose a game of roulette? In no way, shape, or form. No matter how hard we work, there will always be a chance that we will come out on top in some way.
What about poker, on the other hand? Is it possible to lose on purpose? We certainly can; we simply fold every hand before to the flop. We are almost certain to lose if our opponent does not perform exactly the same thing that we are doing. Naturally, the vast majority of players would never be so despicable as to do something like that. However, it serves to emphasize the idea that our actions do have an impact on how lucrative the game ultimately turns out to be for us as players.
If you play poker, it is true that a small bit of luck can be the difference between being a tremendous success and someone who never makes it. However, this does not imply that we should rely solely on chance in order to create real money.
Perhaps you have seen those guys who travel around with “lucky” items or card protectors to every live poker championship they participate in. While luck exists in the sense that some individuals will have a bad life while others will have a good one, it is not correct to ascribe “luck” as a quality to a specific object in the sense that it is a property of a person. When it comes to poker, the concept of luck in the sense of a supernatural element that continues to favour particular people or objects is a popular myth related to poker.Â
Poker myth #3: The Pros Are Chasing One Big Win
The notion that all professional poker players are chasing one huge victory that will set them up for life is strongly associated with another top poker myth, which holds that poker is simply another kind of gambling.
People looking in from the outside generally have a different perspective on the game, as many enthusiasts dream of getting lucky in a large poker room event, which is essentially winning the lottery, as opposed to professional players.
True professionals, on the other hand, have an entirely different perspective.
Their understanding of how difficult it is to make a life playing poker is evident, and they do not place too much emphasis on individual results. Even if the majority of players are happy to book a high seven-figure score, they do not likely to view it as a “exit” option in the traditional sense.
This is the work of the professional players, and they do it well. It is what they do, and it is what they enjoy doing, at least for the vast majority of those who engage in this activity.
Despite the fact that a single huge score can be a fantastic method to raise their bankroll and move up in stakes, most professionals do not envision themselves giving up after a couple of big prizes.Â
Poker is difficult to learn
A popular myth of poker is that it is hard to play. In fact, it is an easy game to learn, but the poker rules might be complicated for those who are just getting started. But do not let that deter you from trying. It is not difficult to learn how to play poker, and you will be able to progress quickly from the fundamentals of the game to the tables of the best online poker rooms in no time.
You Can Practise With Play Money and Learn Poker
Due to the fact that there is nothing at stake in play money poker, players are constantly making suboptimal and stupid decisions. Due to the current state of affairs, the worst piece of advice anyone can give you is to practice with play money, so be careful not to take it to heart.
You should be aware that using play money will only allow you to understand the rules of the game while engaging in it, and that will be the extent of your benefit from it. In-play money poker, it is extremely difficult to discover poker players who employ any sort of strategy at all, as the vast majority of them are constantly pushing buttons at random and without giving it a second thought. Our recommendation is that you stay away from this king of games. Although this does not imply that you should begin with a large stake, even a small sum of money to get yourself into a real-money poker game will make a significant difference.
Online Poker Is Rigged – You Get So Many Bad Beats
A common online poker myth is that online poker sites and apps favor new players by ensuring that their terrible hands always win on the river when they sign up. We can guarantee you, however, that this is not the case. It would be quite foolish to put your platforms at danger in order to make a few dollars, and, in reality, fixing online poker games is nearly impossible. You should be aware that there are a large number of monitors monitoring the hands and databases, making it nearly impossible to pull off. There is no justification for online poker sites to engage in dishonesty.
You have to be a math genius
While you must learn basic poker mathematics in order to know your odds, recognize bet amounts, and make right decisions when calling or folding, the math portion of the game is quite straightforward, so this is one myth about poker to ignore.Â
Once you have mastered the fundamentals and memorized a few numbers, you will not be required to perform any sophisticated calculations while playing, and you can be confident that this is one of the most straightforward aspects of the game to master.
Poker is gambling
Poker is often compared to games of chance by many participants. Neither is better nor worse but it is fundamentally different, Everyone who understands the rules of Texas Hold’em poker realizes that you play this game against other players rather than the casino and that you only have to pay a little fee, known as the rake, to participate.
As a result, it is a very different game from those in which you compete against “the house.” Obviously, there is a great deal of short-term luck involved, and this is what most players find confusing. However, in the end, the stronger player will almost always walk away with the money, establishing poker as a skill game rather than a game of chance.
Players bluff a lot
Thanks to TV shows, movies and even broadcast poker events, this is another myth about poker hat has been perpetuated. When poker tournaments gained popularity, people were awestruck by the bluffs, leading to the misunderstanding that bluffs are the most significant part of poker strategy and that you should bluff frequently in order to win. Don’t. If you don’t, your game will be more than mediocre.
It goes without saying that if you want to develop a winning strategy, you will need to understand when and how to bluff. Take care, however, as attempting to impose yourself on the table with frequent all-ins will only result in you losing control of your stack, particularly if you have no prior experience.
Hopefully, this article has busted many of the most common poker myths that fly about – and give you the inspiration to give it a go yourself.Â